
Faber Sans Pro العائلة يتكون من 10 الخطوط
FaberSansPro-Halbfett Ingo Zimmermannموقع الكتروني ترو تايبللاستخدام الشخصي
تنزيل @font-face


ملاحظة المؤلف

Two fonts in one: a classic-modern sans serif appearing in two forms "standard" and a "stylistic alternate" with uncial script-orientated characters which give the font a completely different "look."

The idea for one of the very first ingoFonts, the sans serif "Faber Eins & Zwei," originated in 1996. This typeface gained popularity over the years, especially in Anglo-Saxon countries. A lot has changed since then not just in font technology. In 2010 it was time for a basic revision of this attractive font, and time to bring it up to date with current font technology.
A uniqueness of Faber Sans Pro is that it is actually composed of two fonts. The "basic typeface" is a sans serif in the classic-modern style of type creations of the early 20th century godfathered by Futura from Paul Renner and Gill Sans from Eric Gill. The Roman Capitalis provided the model for the classically proportioned capital letters and the harmonic shapes of the humanistic minuscule for the lower case characters. And so a font with pleasant rhythmic proportions was created and is extremely comfortable to read, especially in large amounts of text; but, it is also reader-friendly under adverse typographic conditions on the monitor.

A "second" typeface with its own personal character resulted as stylistic alternates were designed for the letters a e f g l t u in accordance with the uncial scripts of the late antiquity or rather the early Middle Ages. And the r is given a playful point in the stylistic alternates. Modern OpenType technology makes it possible to combine the previously separate typefaces into one font. The stylistic alternate can be accessed via the OpenType-Functions Discretionary Ligatures or also Stylistic Alternates (and of course the glyph panel).   

Unlike classic sans serifs, Faber Sans Pro includes a "true" italic. The italic characters are not simply just slanted variations of the upright, but the characters originated out of handwriting styles; they are rounder and the stroke flow is more fluent than on the upright letters. Some italic letters truly have their very own design which clearly comes from handwriting, particularly noticeable on a and g.

At ingoFonts all fonts can be downloaded. Gratis. Free.
Here's the catch: The files offered here to download contain only a reduced font. That means, the font only consists of uppercase and lowercase from A to Z or rather, a to z.
The complete font including numerals, umlauts, punctuation and especially ligatures is only available with your order and your cash.

خريطة الرموز

لرجاء استخدام قائمة السحب للاسفل لعرض خرائط خط مختلفة داخل الخط الواحد
الأساسية لاتينية - خريطة الرموز

بيانات الخطوط الاساسية

ملحوظة حقوق الملكية
Copyright (c) 2010 by Ingo Zimmermann ingoFont Augsburg. All rights reserved.
الفئة الخطية
Faber Sans Pro reduced
الفئة الفصيلية
75 Halbfett
تعريف الفئة الفصيلية
IngoZimmermanningoFontAugsburg: Faber Sans Pro 75 Halbfett: 2010
اسم الخط بالكامل
نسخة قائمة الاسم
Version 4.013
اسم خط الحاشية النصية
ملحوظة العلامة التجارية
Faber Sans Pro 75 Halbfett is a trademark of Ingo Zimmermann ingoFont Augsburg.
اسم الصانع
Copyright (c) 2010 by Ingo Zimmermann ingoFont Augsburg. Reviewed. All rights reserved.

بيانات الخطوط الثانوية

المنصات المدعومة

الشفرة الدولية الموحدة - يونيكوددلالات الشفرة الدولية الموحدة 2.0 - BMP فقط
ماكينتوشغربي - روماني
مايكروسوفتنظام الحروف الدولي الموحد - BMP فقط

تفاصيل الخط

احصاء الصورية العديدة53
الوحدات لكل دقيقة1000
حقوق التضمينالتضمين لتثبيت دائم
فئة العائلةبدون ذنابة
الوزنمشدد / ثقيل
العرضمتوسط / عادي
نمط الماكمائل
الاتجاهفقط وبقوة من ألايسر الى يمين الرموز + يحتوي على المحايد
طبيعة النمطلعادية
الاهتزازغير موحدة
الحزمو المكتملة تحتوي على 10 وقيم الخط المدرجة بالاسفل
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