American Captain

American Captain The Fontry ترو تايبللاستخدام الشخصي
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American Captain.ttf
تنزيل @font-face


ملاحظة المؤلف

UPDATE: American Captain is ready for BUY NOW & IMMEDIATE DOWNLOAD via secure paypal checkout.

UPDATE TO LANGUAGE SUPPORT: This freeware version now includes uppercase GREEK and CYRILLIC letters.

UPDATE: American Captain is now available in commercial form as a 6-FONT FAMILY with complete character sets and language support for Central European characters, Cyrillic, Greek and Hebrew. OpenType features include: small caps, fractions, stylistic sets, glyph replacements, etc. Now back to our freebie ...

American Captain by Michael G. Adkins

So here we go with the descriptions again. To describe my new font, American Captain, the boring part of my brain tells me to use staid words like narrow and bold, sharp yet blunt, heavy and tall; but deep within the creative side of my brain, there's a smouldering nugget of inspiration that tells me this font deserves something more. Why bother to explain things you can clearly see with your own eyes, when what you might not be aware of is this font's unique origins. What you might not know is that it dates back to at least the 1940s. It's even possible you don't understand how this font has been reborn and revamped and revitalized by generations of sign-painters and hand-letterers and determined font guys like myself who just can't let this thing go.

This font represents the unparalleled strength of one man who saved an entire world from the crushing yoke of tyranny. This man was an outstanding captain of men, an American patriot of unquestionable calibre. And within this font is captured his fighting spirit, his unyielding determination. This face is dedicated to him, the captain America knows and respects, the captain America font designers like myself strive to symbolize in their work. So enjoy the power that is the font I call, American Captain.    

For commercial use please feel free to contact us for price, links and details at:

or visit the Fontry website
American Captain الخط

خريطة الرموز

لرجاء استخدام قائمة السحب للاسفل لعرض خرائط خط مختلفة داخل الخط الواحد
الأساسية لاتينية - خريطة الرموز

بيانات الخطوط الاساسية

ملحوظة حقوق الملكية
Copyright (c) 2010 by The Fontry. All rights reserved.
الفئة الخطية
American Captain
الفئة الفصيلية
تعريف الفئة الفصيلية
اسم الخط بالكامل
American Captain
اسم خط الحاشية النصية
ملحوظة العلامة التجارية
American Captain Normal is a trademark of The Fontry.
اسم الصانع
The Fontry
Copyright (c) 2010 by . All rights reserved.

بيانات الخطوط الثانوية

المنصات المدعومة

الشفرة الدولية الموحدة - يونيكوددلالات الشفرة الدولية الموحدة 2.0 - BMP فقط
ماكينتوشغربي - روماني
مايكروسوفتنظام الحروف الدولي الموحد - BMP فقط

تفاصيل الخط

احصاء الصورية العديدة279
الوحدات لكل دقيقة1000
حقوق التضمينالتضمين للمعاينة والسماح بالطباعة
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العرضمتوسط / عادي
نمط الماكغامق
الاتجاهفقط وبقوة من ألايسر الى يمين الرموز + يحتوي على المحايد
طبيعة النمطلعادية
الاهتزازغير موحدة